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Image of a conference panel

Utah Community Health Workers speak at U-POWER's Spring 2022 Conference (from left to right: Jeannette Villalta, Valentine Mukundente, Tile Fagatele, Farida Ghulam-Jillani, and Cenezhana Rokhaneevna

Individuals sit at tables during a conference

Spring 2022 Conference Attendees

A Latin American cultural group performs

Expresión Andina, a Latin American cultural group, performs at the 2022 U-POWER Conference

A group of individuals sit at a conference panel with a presentation reading Community Organization Panel above them

Representatives from local community organizations present on their mission and experience working with communities in Utah.

Community engagement, or "the process of working collaboratively with groups of people who are affiliated by geographic proximity, special interests or similar situations with respect to issues affecting their well-being" (CDC) is central to U-POWER's mission to form a community of practice dedicated to changing to conditions of work. 

U-POWER's community engagement includes an annual Spring Community Conference, technical assistance to community partners, Town Halls, and mini grants