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Patrick Taylor

Patrick Taylor, MD

  • About Me

    Dr. Taylor is from Clarksville, TN, although he moved 9 times before the age of 10. He completed his undergraduate degree at Brigham Young University, where he played on a the national championship rugby team. He attended medical school at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and participated in admissions and a special task force in the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. His medical interests include obesity and lifestyle medicine, chronic disease management, sports medicine and providing affordable primary care. He enjoys cooking, baking, golfing, weightlifting, and goofing around with his children. He chose the University of Utah because of the resident camaraderie, strong musculoskeletal and endocrinology training, and outdoor recreation.

    Medical Areas of Interest

    His medical interests include obesity and lifestyle medicine, chronic disease management, sports medicine and providing affordable primary care.

    Interests & Hobbies

    He enjoys cooking, baking, golfing, weightlifting, and goofing around with his children.

    Why Utah?

    He chose the University of Utah because of the resident camaraderie, strong musculoskeletal and endocrinology training, and outdoor recreation.


    Clarksville, TN