Gerica Alvarado, MD
FM OB Fellow 2020-2021
I was a fellow for the 2020-2021 academic year and I am incredibly grateful for the training I received. It was a rigorous, challenging year that easily prepared me for any practice setting I wanted to pursue. This fellowship is unique in its ability to foster independence and confidence within a fast-paced and incredibly supportive environment on the Labor and Delivery floor while allowing me to grow my skills and expertise in the outpatient setting, all while caring for underserved populations. I had the privilege of working and learning from brilliant residents, FM attendings, OB attendings, and MFM attendings, many of whom are leading their respective fields locally and nationally. The relationships I built, both professionally and personally, have continued to be invaluable in my years following the fellowship.
Currently, I have a split practice. I am core faculty with a Family Medicine Residency in Las Vegas, helping to grow their FMOB curriculum and L&D service. The other half of my time I am a locum physician in rural Minnesota, covering their labor and delivery service with both vaginal deliveries and cesareans.
It is thanks to my training with the UofU and CHC that I feel no reluctance in leading the charge for FMOB wherever I decide to practice. Even with the sleepless nights, I would do it all over again!

Bobbi Lakin, MD
FM OB Fellow 2018-2019
In a world where family medicine physicians aren't always understood as obstetricians, I feel confident holding my own as the first FM-OB with surgical privileges at two different hospitals in St. Louis. This is due to my excellent training during fellowship with high volume, high risk exposure and a fount of mentors. I feel equipped to manage the various challenges and risks that come with obstetrics due to my time in Salt Lake. I had ample opportunity to use my hands and mind in ways I couldn't have fathomed prior, being walked through the psyche of an obstetrician by countless passionate gurus. It sounds crazy, but given the opportunity, I would repeat fellowship year after year. For the last four years, I have worked at a FQHC in St. Louis, delivering at SSM St. Mary's and Barnes Jewish hospitals, taking care of a multilingual, urban underserved population. My next endeavor will be at St. Elizabeth's FMR as a full-time faculty member serving the greater Cincinnati area.

Jenna Ingersoll, MD
FM OB Fellow 2017-2018
The Fellowship in Obstetrics at University of Utah was appealing to me for many reasons. Firstly, the procedure numbers and exposure to high risk cases was unparalleled. Secondly, the opportunity to operate with family doctors was also very hard to find in other programs. I really appreciated this mentorship from doctors in my specialty. Thirdly, the strong focus on evidence-based training, case reviews, and constant learning nested in a research setting was a great springboard to then be on my own in a very rural setting. I also remember early morning rounds and busy clinic days, but now after 5 years working in rural Wisconsin, I can testify that this training prepared me exceptionally well.