OCRH Presentations (2015)
AAFCP 2015
Pregnancy rates in the Creighton Model Effectiveness, Intentions and Behaviors Assessment (CEIBA) Study
Stanford JB
CMA 2015
Creighton Model Effectiveness, Intentions and Behaviors Assessment (CEIBA) Study
Stanford JB
IRM 2015
Using biomarkers observed by women to inform the probability of conception
Stanford JB, Hansen J.
Update on iNEST and CrM chart comparison study
Stanford JB
NICHD 2015
Implications of monitoring fecundity - or not
Is human fecundity changing?
Stanford JB
SPER 2015
Factors Affecting Onset of Lactogenesis II Within a Prospective Cohort
Porucznik CA, Cox KJ, Szczotka KM, Stanford JB*
Comparison of categorized urinary BPA concentrations with and without standardization for body mass index in the HOPE Study
Christina Porucznik, Kyley Cox, Brenna Blackburn, Kathryn Szczotka, David Anderson, Joseph Stanford, Diana Wilkins
A comparison of three approaches to collecting data on pregnancy attempt duration among women with a history of primary infertility
Sanders JN, Stanford JB, Simonsen SE, Porucznik C, Hammoud A, Smith K