Dr. Sundwall was an esteemed colleague and a fierce advocate in the fields of public health and primary care. He was a pioneer of public health policy, making significant contributions...
Kathy Pedersen has devoted her greater than 40 year career to enhancing Global Health and raising awareness of the Physician Assistant (PA) profession.
Scott Benson, MD, PhD, MPH delivered a presentation to the students about the country of Ghana. He discussed the geography and landscape, health disparities encountered, and shared the culture of...
Kyle Bradford Jones, MD, FAAFP has been appointed the Dr. Nymphus Frederick Hicken, Alta Thomas Hicken and Margarete Stahl Wilkin Hicken Endowed Chair in the Department of Family and Preventive...
Effective research projects extend beyond successful proposals and published papers. A research team’s adherence to following research practices is critical to produce meaningful results.
José E. Rodríguez, MD, and Kirsten Stoesser, MD were recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) for their journal article “Transforming Diversity of a Family Medicine Residency...
The PAs for Global Health Annual Conference was held in Salt Lake City at the University of Utah, sponsored by the Physician Assistant Division and DFPM on February 16-17, 2024.
The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research (BRIMR) recently released its 2023 rankings of National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards, and the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine achieved an...